MAILBAG: April 18
Q: Should the New York Yankees be afraid of the Boston Red Sox? -- Josh Greenstein, New York
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| Pettitte |
PWG -- The Yankees have to get whole first, which means getting Andy Pettitte and Bernie Williams healthy, Ramiro Mendoza and Roger Clemens straight and improving a defense that has several holes; it would be nice to turn double plays. That said, their pitching should be good enough to win, but the Red Sox may be better than some realized. Their lineup is going to score a ton of runs, but the pitching questions abound. It's OK now, but John Burkett threw 81 mph Monday, no one knows what's going to happen when Pedro Martinez hits 150 innings, and they need a two-hole starter. When they were approached about Mike Hampton, who would be the perfect choice -- especially since the Rockies eat his $20 million signing bonus -- Boston GM Mike Port said he had no interest. If Ugueth Urbina throws like this all season, the Sox will badly need more pitching help.
Q: Where does Barry Bonds realistically end up on the all-time home-run list? Does he have a shot at Aaron? -- Happy, Canton, Ohio
PWG -- Absolutely, as long as he doesn't start breaking down. He's been very smart about guarding that hamstring when he runs, but he continues to play flat-out in the field.
Q: Which current players with, say, at least 10 years in the majors are
probable Hall of Famers? It seems to me there are quite a few. -- Matt Freeman, New York
PWG -- Randy Johnson, Ivan Rodriguez, Rafael Palmeiro, Greg Maddux, Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds, Mike Piazza, Roberto Alomar, Trevor Hoffman, Rickey Henderson, Ken Griffey Jr., Sammy Sosa and Tom Glavine. Obviously, there is a second tier of players who are eventual locks but haven't played long enough, like Alex Rodriguez.
Q: As an Atlanta Braves fan, I've been lulled into a stupor assuming the
Braves are going to win year in and year out. Is this the year they fail to
make the playoffs? I need to know so I can lower my expectations and go back
to living a normal life! -- Scott, Charleston, S.C.
PWG -- There are reasons to worry, although I presume Rafael Furcal will start to hit, which would set off the offense. Their defense and pitching depth trouble me, especially in the middle of the staff. And the fact that they're already lost four games they led after the sixth against the Mets, Marlins and Phillies is worrisome.
Q: Are the Chicago White Sox still the team to beat in the AL Central, or
are the Cleveland Indians? -- David, New York
PWG -- I think those two and the Minnesota Twins -- if they aren't beaten down by the obvious intent of owner Carl Pohlad to fold the team -- should be in a seasonlong dogfight. One big surprise: The Chicago starters had quality starts in nine of their first 13 games, and the outings by Jon Rauch and Jon Garland Sunday and Tuesday were an encouraging sign.
Q: What is the sudden infatuation with Barry Bonds at ESPN? Do we really
need to see every one of his at-bats? I realize what he's done the last year
and a month is amazing, but Sammy Sosa has been doing it since 1998 and no
one seems to be paying him much attention. -- Darrin Klauer, Milan, Ill.
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| Bonds |
PWG -- I understand your feeling about Sosa, who was overshadowed by Mark McGwire in 1998 and now is overshadowed by the best player of the last 25 years. But Bonds did break the 70 record, and he's just passed Harmon Killebrew, which is history. Hey, better Barry Bonds' at-bats than another bad pseudo-entertainment show.
Q: Is there any sign of hope in Arlington? Or will the Texas Rangers be
mathematically eliminated by the All-Star Game? As I watch this team play, I
keep wondering, what was GM John Hart thinking? -- Geoff Harper, Dallas
PWG -- He was thinking that offense wins, and anyone can find pitching. I would take some heart in having Chan Ho Park, Kenny Rogers(who has been very good) and Doug Davis in the rotation, but if Jeff Zimmerman doesn't come back, that bullpen is going to kill them. In their first 14 games, they lost games in which they had the lead from the sixth inning on eight times after John Rocker blew Tuesday's game to the Angels. That will kill them psychologically.
Q: How do you think players on opposing teams are going to react to Boston
closer Ugueth Urbina's post-save antics as the year goes on? -- Dave Deveau, Ossipee, N.H.
PWG -- It won't help him, because that kind of act is something opposing players want to avenge.
Q: Would you consider Wilson Betemit the best young prospect in the game? If
not him, then who? -- Nicholas Purifoy, Soperton, Ga.
PWG -- Betemit is a tremendous prospect and terrific kid, and I think the Braves eventually will put Rafael Furcal at second, his original position. The best prospect? I don't know. Mark Prior of the Cubs might get that call, right now.
Q: Where do you think the Milwaukee Brewers young pitching staff ranks with
the rest of the major leagues? With Ben Sheets, Nick Neugebauer, Glendon Rusch and Ruben Quevedo,
their staff is pretty good. What do you think? -- Joe Hennen, Milwaukee, Wisc.
PWG -- They have the makings of a very good staff, with pitching coach Dave Stewart as a mentor. The injuries to the bullpen hurt them, and the defense is suspect, but if Neugebauer and Sheets stay healthy, they can be pretty good.
Q: With their offseason moves, the St. Louis Cardinals seem to be a real contender for the World Series. But I think they need one more player. Is there anything they can do to get Cliff Floyd from the Florida Marlins? -- Mark, Louisville, Ky.
PWG -- Right now, the Cardinals are most concerned with getting their starting pitching in order. Woody Williams may be a month away, there is no timetable on Rick Ankiel, and they may have to get Andy Benes out of the rotation and Mike Matthews in. Floyd will be available, but I don't know if they have the positional prospects to trade for him.
Q: When I was living in Seattle, the talk around the city was, when are the
Seattle Mariners going to bring up Ryan Anderson (the next Big Unit)? It has
been two years since then and I still see that he's in Tacoma. Will this
happen sometime this year? Or with the way the staff is pitching now, will
it be next year or later? Is he ready for the call-up? -- Richie Seibert, Davenport, Iowa
PWG -- Unfortunately, Anderson had a second surgery this spring and may miss another two years. They have a good young right-handed pitcher named Rafael Soriano who likely will be their first recall, and Lou Piniella still has hope that Gil Meche's velocity will come back.
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| Erstad |
Q: Great job on the Web site and on Baseball Tonight. I coach a Little
League team and would like to know, who do you think has the best work ethic
in the major leagues? I'd like to give my team a player to watch and follow. Thanks. -- Mark, Indianapolis, Ind.
PWG -- There are a lot more players with good work ethics than not. I would take Roger Clemens as a starting pitcher to follow, Trevor Hoffman as my closer, Mike Matheny as my catcher, Alex Rodriguez as my infielder, Jeff Bagwell as first baseman and Darin Erstad as my outfielder.
Q: Scott Hatteberg's music picks are fantastic! I picked up the three albums
that he suggested for the spring and I'm fully enjoying them. Any chance of
noting his picks on a more regular basis? Thanks. -- Jeff Suarez, Cambridge, Mass.
PWG -- I'll ask him. Actual Tigers is a gas. By the way, I found an old Dead CD called "Postcard from the Hanging," which is a collection of live recordings of Dylan songs, and it is incredible. And "Desolation Row" is a classic.