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Answer Guy responds to your e-mail:
Why do boxers win belts?
ESPN The Magazine
James Burden: That's an easy one A-Guy. How so, J-Dude? It's difficult for a boxer to hold a trophy while wearing gloves. With a belt, they can pose for pictures while showing their hardware. 'Kay. They can also impress the ladies who love Rodeo. You dig what I'm saying? Word up, Bucko! Ironic Brown: Originally they were intended as a type of chastity belt to keep champs from being exploited. Them pet shop broads are death. But whoa and behold, Don King had the master key. That's low. Keegan: Because crowns would be too cheesy. Says you. Chris Aronchick: Back in the day, bouts were like 500 rounds, so they'd be a lot skinnier after the fight. They got a nice new belt to hold their pants up with as they walked home. Cute. Not true, but cute. Michael Frain Jr.: Because when they go out in the ring, the object is to win by "belting" the opponent more times than you get "belted" by him. So why not give 'em punch? NYGiants5692: The sport was started in ancient Rome, and the loser would be whipped with a belt. No place like Rome! After the whipping, the winner was given the belt as a keepsake. L.T., that you? James Dillard: They'd look pretty funny with a trophy wrapped around their waist. Trophies are for losers. Pat Fitterer: I feel the belt is a symbol of males over the 20th century and it basically symbolizes one mans triumph in strength over another man. Can't argue with that. I don't know what it means. Jason A. Malo: Because it's hard to get those big golden plates on a hat. Now that I can argue with. But why bother? Barry Petchesky: The tradition started in 1909. Lord Lonsdale, president of the National Sporting Club, awarded the "Lonsdale Belt" to the champion in each British division. The belt was passed on to future champions. And it still is. The Longsdale Belt wasn't the first belt, but it is one of the oldest. And unlike U.S. belts, it doesn't become the property of the winner until he has successfully defended it two more times. Andrew: They win belts so the people know who the champ is. What color's the sky in your world, Andy?

In his next outing, Answer Guy wonders why the A's mascot is a white elephant. Got an answer? E-mail

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Why do boxers win belts?

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