Word on the Street: "What does the Subway Series mean to you?"

The ESPN.com staff hit the streets of New York to answer the question: "What does the Subway Series mean to you?" And well, it shouldn't come as a shock that these New Yorkers had their opinions on the subject.

Yankees Fan
Name: Julie
Job: Paralegal
Residence: New York, NY
Comment: "Bragging rights!"
Mets Fan

Name: Albert
Job: FAO Schwarz Doorman
Residence: East Harlem, NY
Comment: "There is a lot of excitement in the boroughs. To me it is a bigger deal that the Mets are in the World Series than the fact that we have a Subway Series."
Yankees Fan

Name: Leah
Job: Retail Manager
Residence: Pittsburgh, PA
Comment: "Excitement and rivalry!"
Yankees Fan

Names: Lisa
Jobs: Unemployed
Residence: Pittsburgh, PA
Comment: "It doesn't mean a whole lot. In fact, I probably will not watch it."
Yankees Fan

Name: Ralph
Job: Street Vendor
Residence: Queens, NY
Comment: "It means craziness and a lot of fun. This is for the whole deal."
Mets Fan

Name: Tom
Job: Stage Hand
Residence: Brooklyn, NY
Comment: "Nostalgia and a throwback to the Giant/Yankees and baseball of old."
Mets Fan

Name: Chris
Job: Student
Residence: New Jersey
Comment: "After they (The Mets) win, I can rest in peace. This is what I have waited for my entire baseball loving life. "

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