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Friday, November 10
Pick the Best Ballpark

What is the best ballpark in the major leagues? It's not an easy question, not when you're comparing the old classics like Fenway Park and Wrigley Field to the new gems like Camden Yards and Pac Bell Park.

However, if you could attend just one more ballgame, which ballpark would you want to watch it in? Over the next four days, you will vote for the best ballpark. We're going to have some fun with this, so we've made a little tournament and seeded 16 ballparks. By Friday, we'll have two meeting in the "championship" round.

The top two seeds, which also happen to be the two oldest ballparks in the country, made into the championship matchup. Click on the link to vote for the champion.

  • No. 1 Fenway Park vs. No. 2 Wrigley Field


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