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Saturday, January 6, 2001
Sonics consider McMillan just 'coach'

SEATTLE -- The Seattle SuperSonics removed the interim tag from Nate McMillan's job title Friday. And although the formal move doesn't yet mean a new contract, it is the first step in negotiating a deal beyond this season, the Seattle Times reported Saturday.

This week, Sonics owner Barry Ackerley instructed general manager Wally Walker to remove the interim title, and McMillan was informed Friday morning.

"Everyone assumed that, but this removes any ambiguity," Walker said. "I think there was a feeling from ownership, 'Why should there be any ambiguity?' There's a clear intention to negotiate a longer deal."

When the Sonics replaced Paul Westphal with McMillan on Nov. 26, the organization gave the former assistant a substantial raise from his salary of about $400,000. Neither McMillan nor the Sonics have put a timetable on a new contract.

"Everybody is busy," Walker said. "There's no pressure from either side. There's no time frame. It could be next month. It could be July (when McMillan's contract expires)."

Walker realizes that if McMillan guides the Sonics to a successful regular season and postseason run, another team might try to sign him. Friday, McMillan said he has recently wondered whether he will coach long-term because it takes away from his family life. His decision will be shaped during his next contract.

"Then you get a better feel for how much time you want to put into (coaching)," said McMillan. "Probably during that contract ... you look at it and say, 'Am I cut out for the head-coaching role? Do I want to go back to being the assistant for a few more years?' "

Walker said: "Barry and Ginger (Ackerley) wanted to make a gesture. They think the world of Nate. So why should anybody be confused?"  HELP |  ADVERTISER INFO |  CONTACT US |  TOOLS |  SITE MAP
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