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Tuesday, February 6, 2001
Olajuwon changes tune

HOUSTON -- Houston Rockets center Hakeem Olajuwon said Tuesday he will not seek a trade or his outright release from his contract which runs through this season and pays him $16.5 million.

Hakeem Olajuwon

Olajuwon earlier had asked the Rockets to either trade him or give him a release so he could play the rest of the season with another team, possibly the Miami Heat.

"I am fully committed to the Rockets, to my teammates, to the fans and to the goal of trying to make the NBA playoffs this season," Olajuwon told the Houston Chronicle in a story posted on the newspaper's Web site Tuesday. "The city of Houston, the fans, the Rockets' organization have all been so supportive of me throughout my career.

"I owe this to them. This is the way it should be. I am happy. I am excited about what is possible for the team in the coming months. I am content."

Olajuwon was quoted last week in two Florida newspapers as saying he wanted to play for the Heat and specifically for coach Pat Riley. Olajuwon had been frustrated with his lack of playing time and his role in the Rockets this season.

Olajuwon played a key role with 18 points and nine rebounds in Monday night's 100-86 victory over the New York Knicks.

"That is the way I have always thought this team could play this season," Olajuwon said. "Take advantage of what I can still do. I am not talking about being the focus, about playing 40 or 45 minutes in a game. But I believe I can contribute.

"That is why I said before the season started that this team had the potential to make the playoffs. I still think we can."

The NBA trading deadline is Feb. 22. The waiver deadline, for an NBA player to be released from one team, signed by another and eligible for the playoffs this season is 11 p.m. CST Feb. 28.
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