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Wednesday, May 2, 2001
Fan says: 'An apology it was not'

PORTLAND, Ore. – Bob Whitsitt, general manager of the Portland Trail Blazers, has offered an apology to a fan who was ejected from Sunday's game for refusing to give up a sign criticizing Whitsitt.

Katherine Topaz, 34, attended the playoff game against the Los Angeles Lakers with her 8-year-old stepson and held up a sign that read "Trade Whitsitt." The sign referred to the executive's series of questionable personnel moves that backfired on the Blazers this season.

Topaz was sitting in the 10th row during Game 3, and her sign was in full view of Whitsitt, who was sitting next to owner Paul Allen on the other side of the Rose Garden.

During halftime of the game, which the Blazers lost 99-86 to get swept from the best-of-five series, a security guard asked her not to show the sign. A second guard asked her to hand it over. When she refused, she and her stepson, Will Abeles, were escorted out by a group of guards.

News of their ejection outraged some fans and began a national discussion about the Blazers' treatment of their fans.

A Blazers spokeswoman said Tuesday Whitsitt called Topaz to apologize, offering to refund Topaz's ticket money.

But Topaz said Tuesday that Whitsitt said he was sorry she had to miss the second half of the game and did not mention the ejection.

"An apology it was not," she said.

Blazers' spokeswoman Sue Carpenter said Whitsitt "did apologize for her being ejected from the building ... and said that the building overreacted."

Whitsitt has said he did not see Topaz's sign and did not hear of her ejection until the next day.

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Blazers' fan ejected for her 'Trade Whitsitt' sign

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