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Wednesday, November 28
Updated: December 5, 5:09 PM ET
Rank Comments: Wolves, Sixers create controversy


Well, the Timberwolves are making things difficult for us. For the second time in three weeks, we made Kevin Garnett's team the No. 2 team in the Power Rankings, and each time the Wolves lost that night. Of course, this week the Wolves not only lost Tuesday, but by 19 points to the Clippers on Wednesday. Who wants to be No. 2 next week? Anyone?

Of course, there was so much more from our users this week. We did get a nice cross-section of comments on many teams. Here are 10 responses on 10 different teams.

It's your fault...
Wolves team page
Quit moving the T-Wolves up in your rankings. Every time you move them up, they start playing poorly and lose some bad games. Rank them in the 7-10 range and they will always play as a top 5 team! It's your fault!

Matt Carlson
Golden Valley, Minn.

This sounds crazy...
Nets team page
I know that this sounds crazy (I can't believe I am saying it), but the Nets are a top-five team. Few teams are more complete. They have the best point guard in the league and good players around him. Jason Kidd is doing an amazing job, Kenyon Martin is a star, Kerry Kittles is looking like his old self, Keith Van Horn is looking like someone who was once a lottery pick and big Todd MacCulloch is playing out of his mind. Amazing what a great point guard does for a team isn't it, Phoenix?

Nathan Leaphart
Columbia, SC

Best in the East...
Sixers team page
How could you possibly move the Sixers down to the No. 9 spot when they beat the Mavs and the Pistons? So they lost to the Raptors: big deal, LA lost to the Suns. You cant tell me Philly isn't a better team than last year. It's fine though, I can understand the authenticity of this teams' progress being suspect with a 7-6 record. They will show everyone though. They are the best team in the East, and you will know why.


How about them Clips...
Pistons team page
Being a Pistons fan I was excited about the 4-1 start, but with wins against Washington, Chicago and Memphis, I was realistic before calling them playoff bound. I am more impressed with their 5-3 record since, and wins over Orlando (without Stack) and also Dallas really impressed me and got me believing. I know they aren't close to the Lakers or some of the other top teams, but it sure is good to have a competitive team back in the Motor City. GO PISTONS!!!!

Dan Jacobs
Mt. Pleasant, Mich.

Mark my words...
Pacers team page
I can't believe you have the Hornets ranked higher than the Pacers. The Pacers are playing pretty good basketball right now. Their losses haven't come against the weaker teams in the league (except for maybe Boston or Seattle), and for the most part they were in all of their games. They had chances to beat Minnesota, but they lost. You gave Philadelphia and the Hornets the benefit of the doubt when their key players were injured, but not the Pacers. You hammered them pretty hard when they lost four games in one week, even though Jermaine O'Neal and Travis Best were injured. I think they have been doing the best they can under the circumstances. Mark my words they will be a 3rd or 4th seed in the playoffs.

Mike B
Alexandria, Ind.

Looking good...
Knicks team page
You're looking good on moving the Knicks up some, but you fail to realize the true potential that Marcus Camby brings to the Knicks. Without him, they are really a mediocre lottery team with no heart or enthusiasm. But with Camby, they change completely into a passionate defensive club capable of offensive outbursts (though rare), a team that really finds different ways to win games. As evidenced by Camby's first game back, the Knicks' REAL season just started and will continue in this new line until Camby injures something else.

David Fertig
New York City

Are you kidding...
Blazers team page
The Blazers in 17th!?!?? Are you kidding?? These guys may be 7-7 but they have enough talent to open a Broadway theater. These guys are a few kinks away from being in the top five of the NBA! At least do us all a favor and put them above the Celtics, Pacers and Hornets.

John Tribble
Talent, Ore.

Serious threat...
Warriors team page
How can you people continue to rack on Golden State like you do? Jason Richardson is shaping up to be a serious Rookie of the Year candidate, Antawn Jamison is passing and still playing well, Danny Fortson is the best rebounder in the league, and everyone on the team is young and still getting used to each other. Mark my words: Playoffs this year and more to come as this team goes from near to bottom (last year) to a serious threat in the future.

Los Angeles

Create another level...
Lakers team page
Maybe you should create another level for the Lakers -- like a Power Ranking against the all-time greatest franchises in sports history; the Ruthian Yankees, the Lombardi Packers, the Russell Celtics, etc... Now that the LA boys will finally hang the five banners from the Minneapolis days, Staples will resemble the basketball Hall of Fame. The Lakers only opponent this year will be boredom. Even if they should stumble, it will not be to a better team -- for there are none that are even close. It will simply be that Kobe, Shaq, and company are bored. Either create a new category, or just retire the top spot for the next 3-5 years. It would be very hard to put someone ahead of them this year -- no matter what.

Dave Nelson
Murrieta, Calif.

Second-tier, c'mon...
Spurs team page
The Spurs a second-tier team? C'mon. They've got the second-best record in the league. They just ran off seven straight. And the Wolves didn't beat them easily as you reported. They won a tight, back-and-forth, emotional game at home. (The game was the second of back-to-back road games for the Spurs, and it came after two days rest at home for the Wolves.)

Rob Thomas
Los Angeles

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