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 Tuesday, September 12
Student harassed, might leave school
 Associated Press

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- The Indiana freshman who said Bob Knight grabbed his arm and cursed him out might leave school because of threats he has received.

Jerry Harvey, father of Kent Harvey and his brothers, Kevin and Kyle, told The Indianapolis Star that the triplets had left the state with their mother and stepfather, Chris and Mark Shaw. He said the trip could include visits to other schools.

"Their freshman year is now in shreds," Jerry Harvey said.

Jerry Harvey said Kent has received threatening e-mail. Kent's roommate, Dejavieur Speller, said threatening phone calls have been made.

University officials have given Speller an unlisted phone number and removed his name from the school's online listing of students.

The Harvey brothers and two friends were at Assembly Hall on Thursday to pick up football tickets when they encountered Knight. Kent Harvey said, "Hey, what's up, Knight?"

Both sides say the basketball coach then grabbed Harvey's arm to admonish him. Knight, his version of events backed by assistant coach Mike Davis, said he was not as aggressive as Harvey and the other boys said he was.

On Sunday, university president Myles Brand said Knight had been fired. That evening, students protested in front of Brand's home and across the campus.

Hoosiers name Davis interim coach

Ousted General: Knight fired for unacceptable behavior