Inside the Playbook
Weekly lineup

 Thursday, December 2
The Colts' split right opposite scat R angle
By Sean Salisbury


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About the play: The Colts offense is hitting on all cylinders. They have great weapons, including Rookie of the Year favorite Edgerrin James, who is already one of the most versatile backs in the NFL. Peyton Manning is so seasoned he makes everyone around him much better. But having James makes Manning a better quarterback.

"Scat R angle" is a way to get the ball to James quickly and with a high-percentage pass. It is an easy read for Manning, who watches the middle linebacker. If he jumps James on his angle route, then Manning will hit tight end Ken Dilger over the middle. But, more than likely, middle linebacker Zach Thomas will chase Dilger, giving James an open alley with a catch and run.

James will just replace the spot where Thomas left. Manning will take a five-step drop and eyeball Thomas. He will hit his fifth step and throw his angle route to James, who will then turn it north and south and use his gifts.

Keys to the play: The key to this play is James' patience. He must clear the line of scrimmage and show the defense he is running to the flat. Then, he will stop on a dime, cut back underneath and look for the ball. He must have the patience to let Thomas clear out with Dilger then coming into the zone.

Critical player: It is critical that Manning has good touch on the ball. James is so close to the line of scrimmage that the ball comes right out of the crowd and can surprise the receiver. If it comes out too hot, it will be tipped and intercepted. Manning will try to make this a very easy catch for James by playing tall and getting good vision with James. "R angle" can get the Colts some big, hidden yardage.


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