Sterling Hitchcock made $5 million in 2002 to pitch 39 1/3 innings and win one game.
He's slated to make another $6 million in 2003.
But George Steinbrenner needs to save some money so he's threatening to cut the dental plans for 150 Yankees employees to save the team about $100,000, according to Newsday.
|  | With our suggested savings, Steinbrenner may have enough money left over to lure Hideki Matsui from Japan. |
With the Yankees in such apparent dire financial straits, we've come up with some more ways for George to save some cash (all money totals are Page 2 "estimates," except for Drew Henson's salary):
Eliminate the daily cleaning of the pigeon droppings off the monuments in center field. Babe Ruth covered in bird poop? Hey, this is a guy who once ate so many hot dogs he had to go on the disabled list.
Savings: $15,000
Get rid of the guy who dances in the seventh-inning stretch to that ridiculous "Cotton Eye Joe" song.
Savings: $50 per game, $4,050 per season
Forget hiring the extra security and police when they play the Mets during interleague play. (Except when Roger Clemens is pitching.)
Savings: $90,000
Admit Drew Henson can't hit major league pitching or field major league hitting, release him from his contract and let him ply his trade in the NFL.
Savings: $2.0 million
Or dump him on the Devil Rays.
Savings: $2.0 million
|  | Zimmer is full of sage advice, but he can afford his own bodily treatments. |
Make Zimmer buy his own hemorrhoid cream.
Savings: $200
Get rid of the team's no facial hair policy and let the players grow beards and mustaches.
Savings on team-issued razors: $9,100
Savings by switching from Gillette Mach 6 to generic brand: $4,550
Get rid of Derek Jeter's body double, who signs autographs when he leaves the Stadium and allows the real Jeter to peacefully leave via a secret exit. (By the way, the body double actually appeared in a few games this past season.)
Savings: $20,000
No more calzones for Steinbrenner.
Savings: $810
|  | Yogi remains on the payroll even though he was caught giving advice to Mike Piazza. |
Get the "Special Advisory Group" -- Yogi Berra, Reggie Jackson, Clyde King, Don Mattingly and Dwight Gooden -- off the payroll. Admit it, what exactly do these guys do?
Savings: $250,000
Quit playing "Y.M.C.A." during the fifth-inning infield raking and "New York, New York" after Yankee victories.
Savings on royalty payments to the Village People and Frank Sinatra's estate: $1,620
Postgame spread now served by Burger King.
Savings: $14,178
Replace diamonds in World Series rings with cheap zirconium ripoffs.
Savings: Oops, don't have to worry about that this year.