Britney gallery: At work
Page 2 staff

She is everywhere. She gets more ABC airtime than Peter Jennings. She's in more supermarket checkout lines than Snickers and Milky Way, combined. She's on stage more often than Tom Jones.

In the last month alone, Britney Spears racked up enough publicity for us to fill four pages with photos. Easily.

So, is Britney overexposed? Are the dear readers of Page 2 actually tired of her. Check the evidence and then decide:

Performing at the AMAMore from the AMA
Britney prepares to debut the dance Warren Sapp taught her.
Guys, no need to fight over her. Just wait your turn.

At Times SquareWearing fur at Times Square
Britney attempts to disprove critics, demonstrating the ability to both lip sync and hold her breath at the same time.
Sometimes even Britney just has to stop and laugh at how gullible our society is.

Click here to vote on whether Britney is indeed overexposed


Britney: Strike her from Page 2?

Britney gallery: Magazine covers

Britney gallery: On TV

Britney gallery: Out and about

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