Who flu the coop?
By Kurt Snibbe
Page 2 cartoonist

Not even the sports world can escape from the cold and flu season. But if you think it's time to get yourself checked out at the doctor's office Sportoon has one piece of advice -- get in line.


Kurt Snibbe is a sports news artist for the Orange County Register, and his work appears frequently on Page 2. He can be reached at Sportoon@hotmail.com.


Kurt Snibbe Archive

Sportoon: Goalpost gold

Sportoon: Eyeing the Tiger

Sportoon: Football fashion

Sportoon: Dog days of football

Sportoon: Trick or mistreat

Sportoon: Out of the equation

Sportoon: The Rocket has landed

Sportoon: Curses!

Sportoon: Playoff accessories

Sportoon: Curse Busters

Sportoon: The best ballpark

Sportoon: X's and O's

Sportoon: Life in the NF-Hell

Sportoon: The football channel

Sportoon: Ozz fest

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