Sincerely, Anna's lawyers
Page 2 staff

We received an ominously official-looking document by messenger yesterday ... from Anna Kournikova's lawyers. As long-time observers of Page 2 know, we hold nothing back from our readers. So we'd like to share the following:

    February 27, 2003

    To: The perpetrators of Page 2
    From: A team of expensive, aggressive, killer lawyers representing the well-known tennis star and sexual icon Anna Kournikova

    It has come to our attention that Page 2 recently conducted a contest to name the "hottest" female athlete and neglected to include our client.

    This, of course, is a travesty and a heinous offense against a fine young woman, some of whose best moments have come on Page 2 (as opposed, of course, to the tennis court). We refer to the Anna quiz, the day in the life of Anna photo essay, the preview of the Anna workout video, and, of course, literally thousands of other well-hit stories.

    Not only that, but our client has been a big fan of Page 2 since its rocky beginnings more than two years ago. She stayed with you through your early quote-of-the-day era and when her tennis career is over, she is considering a writing career as the Sports Gal.

    But for what has this loyalty been rewarded with? To be eliminated from the "Are You Hot?" competition without even being afforded a chance to defend her title?

    Okay, no more Mr. Nice Guy. You have two options:

    (1) We will sue you for every penny you have, and take possession of Page 2, renaming it Page Anna (which, we are sure, will only increase traffic and quality); or ...

    (2) You can arrange a fair and equitable competition between our client and Ms. Jennie Finch, ASAP.

    Let the people's voice be heard!


    The Law Firm of Giuliani & Cochran

Well, geez. We really didn't have much of a choice, now did we?

And so, Page 2 reluctantly presents The Anna vs. Jennie Faceoff. May the greatest amount of heat prevail.


Who's the Hottest female athlete? Finch vs. Kournikova

Who's the hottest female athlete?

Who's the hottest male athlete?

Page 2 Quiz: Anna or not Anna?

Page 2: Unlock the mystery of Anna's tattoo

Anna's day in pictures

Who wants to date Anna?

Page 2: Top 10 reasons Anna blew her top

McKendry: In defense of Anna

Shanoff: 'Unforced Error,' the musical

Sportoon: Flushed out of Flushing

Let the skirts fly: Anna vs. Marilyn

Caple: The Anna tape revealed!

Caple: Anna's wicked web

Bakay's Tale of the Tape: Anna vs. No Anna

What should Kournikova's character be named?

Handwriting analysis: Anna Kournikova

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