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Fill in the blank for MJ

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When you hear the words "Michael Jordan," you immediately think of that familiar shaved head, the wagging tongue and the No. 23 Chicago Bulls jersey.

Well, when MJ returns to the court in 2001-02, he'll have the same chrome dome and the same overactive tongue, but he'll be wearing the unfamiliar duds of the Washington Wizards.

Just how strange will it be to see MJ in a Wizards jersey? That's for you to tell us.

In Page 2's new feature called "Drawing a Blank," we ask readers to complete a sentence about that week's hot topic in the sports world. Here's this week's sentence, followed by readers' suggestions for filling in the blank.

Seeing Jordan in a Wizards uniform will be the strangest site since ... ________________

... watching Barry Bonds be polite to anyone ... wait, that still hasn't happened yet.
Aaron P Maskery
Williamstown, N.J.

... Harry Sinden opened his checkboo... oh, wait.
M. Kearney
Hopkinton, Mass.

... seeing the Clippers in the NBA Finals ... oh, that hasn't happened yet? Sorry!
Adam Allen
New York

... Anna Kournikova raising the trophy ... wait, sorry, never mind.
Paul Guttman
Charleston, S.C.

... Jerry Krause's role in "Batman" as The Penguin.
Rob Christian
New York

... that time Dennis Rodman wore men's clothes.
Mike Jones

... Dennis Rodman got married and wasn't wearing the dress!
TJ Dillon
Windsor, Conn.

... seeing Pamela Anderson with her clothes on.
Craig Degel

... seeing Jerry Krause trying to give a waist-high hug to Tracy McGrady at the airport, trying to lure him to a decrepit Bulls team. It looked like one of the lollipop kids from the Wizard of Oz going insane and trying to wrestle the Scared Lion.
Scott McKenna

... Olympic Stadium in Montreal had a full house.
Rochester, Minn.

...the Redskins scored a touchdown.
Bob Young
New York

... Cade McNown completed a pass.
Jason McGregor

... seeing Rich Kotite coach a football game successfully.
Samuel Berger
Lawrence, Kan.

... seeing The Babe in pinstr ... I mean, since seeing Wade Boggs in pinstr ... ahem, I mean, since seeing Roger Clemens in pinstrip ... oh, forget it!

... Karl Malone's first game after Rogaine.
Ericka Anderson
Conyers, Ga.

... seeing Shawn Kemp dunk a basketball instead of a doughnut.
Mike Johnson
Omaha, Neb.

... reaming that Gilbert Brown actually fit into his Packer uniform.
Tony Moffett

... seeing people pay to see "Kazaam."
Henry Richmond

... seeing Mark Madsen get "funky" on stage during the Lakers' championship celebration.
Karim Nanji

... the refs calling traveling.
Marc M
Hoboken, N.J.

... Jeff Van Gundy hugged Alonzo's ankle.
Scott Cost
Charlotte, N.C.

... seeing Tony Siragusa run after a golf ball.
Mike Pickering
Stratford, Conn.

... Michael Dukakis drove a tank.
John S
Strafford, Mo.

... seeing a clean dress on Monica Lewinsky while at the White House.
Dominic Thompson
Huron, Ohio

... Trent Dilfer holding the Lombardi Trophy.
DJ Fuller
Eugene, Ore.

... Heinz Ketchup went green.
Joe Catania
Valley Stream, N.Y.

... the first time I saw Madden's eight-legged turkey.
Len Dorscher
Boise, Idaho

... Pat Boone donned airtight leather pants and matching vest (sans undershirt) to deliver a sparkling rendition of Alice Cooper's "No More Mr. Nice Guy."
Bennett Adams
Charlottesville, Va.

... MC Hammer in his "gangsta rap" phase.

... sitting next to Danny Almonte in an 18-and-over bar.
Chris Born
Edwardsville, Ill.

... seeing Oliver from "The Brady Bunch" on "The Weakest Link."
Plymouth, Minn.

... the day I turned on "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air," and a new, completely different Aunt Viv was on my TV screen.
Samuel Johnson
Austin, Texas

... I first saw both peanut butter and jelly in the same jar.
Aaron Pennington
Manhattan, Kan.

Wiley: Catch 23

Bakay: Washington Mike vs. Vegas Elvis

Shanoff: Catch a sneak peek at MJ's wizardry

Caple: MJ's back ... or is he?

Simmons: Memo to MJ: Just do it!

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